Winners and Losers in Hawaii’s Job Market

Source: Hawaii Department of Labor and Industrial Relations

One way to follow a changing economy is to track the fastest-declining and fastest-growing jobs. The following infographic report outlines the state’s forecast for the biggest changes in Hawaii’s labor market, both in percentage changes and in absolute numbers.

Construction occupations, still recovering from the recession, are expected to enjoy large gains as construction activity increases, according to a forecast from the Hawaii Department of Labor and Industrial Relations’ Research and Statistics Office.

However, over the long term, 2010 to 2020, the fastest growing jobs in percentage terms are expected to be in the health, information technology and marketing fields, the Labor Department says.

In both the short and long terms, the fastest growing jobs in terms of absolute numbers are those that require less education, are entry level and have high turnover rates. Meanwhile, most of the declining occupations are losing out to automation, computer technology and a decline in mail volume.

Short-Term Occupational Projections 2012-2014

*Numbers do not add up exactly due to rounding.

  Top 5 Net Growing Occupations by Number of Jobs

Employment Net Growth
Occupation Title 2012 2014
Retail Salesperson 24,040 25,280 1,240
Combined Food Preparation
and Serving Workers,
Including Fast Food
16,660 17,520 860
Office Clerks, General * 15,100 15,660 570
Carpenters * 7,760 8,340 570
Waiters and Waitresses 14,680 15,230 550

 Top 5 Net Declining Occupations by Number of Jobs

Employment Net Growth
Occupation Title 2012 2014
Petroleum Pump System Operators,
Refinery Operators and Gaugers *
230 180 -60
Postal Service Mail Sorters, Processors
and Processing Machine Operators
450 410 -40
Postal Service Clerks 430 390 -40
Word Processorts and Typists 1,910 1,890 -20
Switchboard Operators,
Including Answering Services
770 750 -20

 Top 5 Net Growing Occupations by Percentage

Employment Average Annual Growth
Occupation Title 2012 2014
Cost Estimators 1,020 1,160 7.1%
Drywall and Ceiling Tile Installers 710 790 5.9%
Roofers 630 700 5.4%
Tile and Marble Setters 630 700 5.4%
Structural Iron and Steel Workers 320 350 5.3%

 Top 5 Net Declining Occupations by Percentage

Employment Average Annual Growth
Occupation Title 2012 2014
Postal Service Mail Sorters, Processors, and Processing Maching Operators 450 410 -5.0%
Postal Service Clerks 430 390 -4.9%
Switchboard Operators, including
Answering Service
770 750 -1.5%
Machine Feeders and Offbearers 340 330 -1.2%
Engineering Technicians,
Except Drafters
660 650 -1.1%


Long-Term Occupational Projections 2010-2020

*Numbers do not add up exactly due to rounding.

 Top 5 Net Growing Occupations by Number of Jobs

Employment Growth
Occupation Title 2010 2020 Net
Retail Salespersons * 22,990 26,570 3,570
Combined Food Preparation and Serving Workers,
including Fast Food
15,610 18,380 2,770
Personal and Home Care Aides 5,620 8,030 2,410
Landscaping and
Groundskeeping Workers
9,990 11,780 1,790
Office Clerks, General 14,950 16,730 1,780


Top 5 Net Declining Occupations by Number of Jobs

Employment Growth
Occupation Title 2010 2020 Net
Farmers, Ranchers and Other Agricultural
5,850 5,530 -320
Word Processors and Typists 1,980 1,730 -250
Switchboard Operators,
including Answering Service
730 530 -200
Postal Service Mail Sorters, Processors
and Processing Machine Operators *
490 300 -180
Postal Service Clerks 450 280 -170


Top 5 Net Growing Occupations by Percentage

Employment Average Annual Growth
Occupation Title 2010 2020
Home Health Aides 1,530 2,290 5.0%
Personal and Home
Care Aides
5,620 8,030 4.3%
Software Developers,
Systems Software
540 750 4.0%
Market Research Analysts
and Marketing Specialists
700 980 3.9%
Meeting and Convention
390 550 3.9%


Top 5 Net Declining Occupations by Percentage

Employment Average Annual Growth
Occupation Title 2010 2020
Postal Service Mail Sorters, Processors and Processing Machine Operators 490 300 -3.8%
Switchboard Operators, Including Answering Service 730 530 -2.7%
Word Processors and Typists 1,980 1,730 -1.3%
Actors 1,060 940 -1.1%
File Clerks 610 540 -1.1%


Categories: Business & Industry, Careers, Lifestyle