What’s it Worth?

The philosophy of Annie Favia and Andy Erickson, husband and wife owners of Favia Erickson Winegrowers, is to “create soulful wines that express the true nature of the vineyards from which they come.”

They succeeded with their 2005 Cerro Sur red wine, says Mike Kakazu, owner of HASR (Highly Allocated Spoiled Rotten) Wine Co. in Honolulu’s Chinatown. The wine is a blend of 72 percent Cabernet Franc and 28 percent Cabernet Sauvignon harvested in the hills of Napa Valley. HASR has three bottles available.

“Cabernet Franc is a hard grape to grow and a hard wine to make, and Annie Favia and Andy Erickson seem to have created something special with this,” Kakazu says. “It’s just an awesome tasting wine.”

S31 N. Pauahi St., Suite 1B
535-WINE (9463)

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