Hawaiʻi’s Top Employers Profiles 2018
Employees have spoken in the 2018 Best Places to Work Survey. Read on to find out where they work and why they love their jobs.

Austin, Tsutsumi & Associates, Inc.
Hawaii’s landscape has seen much change in the 84 years since Austin, Tsutsumi & Associates opened its doors as a civil engineering and land surveying firm. One thing that hasn’t changed is the company’s deep roots in the community and its commitment to clients and staff.
The firm’s 70 associates provide civil engineering, traffic and transportation planning, land surveying, and water and wastewater consulting. The firm is a major player in the transportation sector with the largest local traffic department in the state. With offices in Honolulu, Wailuku and Hilo, its vast design work is present on every island and across the Pacific.
So how has ATA consistently managed to secure projects and find success year after year? “The secret,” says Vice President Paul Arita, “is having great people service great clients. Everyone is super supportive of each other and they truly enjoy being a community.”
ATA has spent several years cultivating this unique workplace. Associates work nine-hour days Monday through Thursday, then work a half day each Friday. Schedules are flexible to accommodate personal commitments, and all are encouraged to lead lives of wellness year-round. Currently, associates are treated to Yoga Tuesdays and the “40 Days to a Better Me” challenge. As Chief Engineer DeAnna Hayashi explains, “Each of us makes a 40-day commitment to doing something positive. We gather into different Moai, or support groups, to help each other in tackling the challenges whether it’s doing a daily act of kindness or giving up junk food.”
“As a company we try to do our best to tap the pulse of our people, to know what is meaningful to them, so as not to stay static in our corporate practices,” says President Terrance Arashiro. That dedication to staff is one of the reasons why ATA is one of Hawaii’s Best Places to Work.
Arashiro’s goals for the company moving forward are simple. “We want to remain one of the ‘Best Places to Work’ in one of the ‘Best Places to Live,’” he says.
Austin, Tsutsumi & Associates, Inc.
Honolulu Office
501 Sumner Street, Suite 521
Honolulu, HI 96817
Maui Office
1871 Wili Pa Loop, Suite A
Wailuku, HI 96793
Hilo Office
100 Pauahi Street, Suite 207
Hilo, HI 96720