Methodology for BOSS Survey and 808 Poll Published in First Half of 2019

The BOSS Survey and 808 Poll are conducted twice a year for Hawaii Business by the Research Division of the Anthology Marketing Group. Here is the methodology on both surveys.

The latest BOSS Survey was conducted using a list of Hawai‘i companies purchased from Equifax Polk Business Directory as well as Hawaii Business’ Top 250 list and classified Yellow Pages listings. The sample of companies was stratified based on each company’s number of employees; the data were then weighted to reflect the proper proportions of each strata in the Hawai‘i economy based on data from the state Department of Labor. Leaders on all major Islands were surveyed in proportion to their share of the local economy.

A total of 350 random interviews on all the major islands were conducted Sept. 19, 2018 to Nov. 1, 2018. A sample of this size (n=350) has a margin of error of plus or minus 5.24 percentage points with a 95 percent level of confidence.

A survey within a survey was also conducted of the tourism industry. This sub-survey included 136 leaders who describe their companies as deriving a significant proportion of their revenues from the visitor sector.

The 808 Poll was conducted in September 2018. A total of 481 surveys were collected.

The resulting data were statistically weighted for island and respondent ethnicity based on population estimates of voting adults.  The margin of error for a total sample of this size (n=481) is +/- 4.56 percentage points with a 95% confidence level.

Anthology says the online sample was purchased from two online sample providers that specialize in this kind of sample, Survey Sampling Inc. (SSI) and Critical Mix Inc. Each respondent was screened to ensure they were at least 18 years of age and resided on the island for which they were being contacted.

Categories: BOSS Survey