Our Green Future

Work Smarter:
Conserving Energy from 9 to 5
Treat your corporate quarters as your own. It’s easy to take initiatives to make your office a smart, sustainable and productive space.
Rise & Shine
If the sun is out, but you’re inside—open the blinds. Lighting can make up to 20 to 50 percent of the total electricity used in an office building. Use as much natural light in the office as possible to save on electricity during the day and remind employees to turn off the lights before leaving a room.
Avoid Unnecessary Paper Waste
Save the paper and the ink: Photocopy only what you need and always use the second side of paper, either by double-sided printing or using it as scrap paper. Send out the meeting agendas via email and encourage employees to use their laptop or tablet at meetings to view the agenda and as well as take notes.
Bright Idea! Welcome employees to take turns bringing the used coffee grinds home for their own compost or garden.
Bring Back the Classic Cup of Joe
In a real mug too! Avoid disposable cups and single-serving coffee capsules. Plug in a classic coffee maker and make a full pot of coffee for a morning or afternoon energy boost—and savings as well. Unplug the machine when it isn’t in use or set a shut-off timer to conserve electricity.
Buy the Blue-Star
Do you see that magical, little blue star on your office refrigerator? If you don’t that means you’re storing your lunch in an energy-hog. Switch out old appliances and electronics—including computers, printers and copiers—for ENERGY STAR® rated ones to conserve energy and dramatically cut down on your utility bill.
Bright Idea! Consider investing in laptops—which use much less energy than desktop computers—for a more energy-efficient office.
“Goodnight, Computer!”
If you’re not using your computer, give it a rest. Putting your computer in sleep mode, or utilizing the “power management” feature before you leave your desk could save your company $30 per year (for every employee) in electricity costs.
Stop Summoning Phantoms
If it’s feeling a little spooky in the office, check your outlets. Leaving devices plugged into outlets uses up energy, also known as a “phantom load.” Unplug office equipment and personal devices—such as cell phones, coffeemakers, printers and desktop fans or lamps—when they’re not in use.
Co-ride with Coworkers
Hawaii’s traffic may be the worst, but its people are the best. Setting up a carpool to work with friends and coworkers helps save on fuel emissions and pass the commuting time quicker. If you live close to your workplace, consider biking, walking, or using mass transit.