Letters to the Editor: Feedback

Eye-opener on state investments

Just wanted to commend you on your article about the state of Hawaii investments (May). It was quite the eye-opener and, as I’m currently working on creating an investment policy for a local nonprofit, you couldn’t have given me better material on why sound investment policies need to be followed.

— Christie Crawford, Kailua-Kona


Regulations don’t fix the problems

Brian Funai is correct (“Does Hawaii Need More Fishing Regulations?” Spin Zone “No,” April). In 2005, then DLNR Chairman Peter Young said human interaction with the marine environment is the most significant factor in the decline in fish stocks. Young said essentially six factors have the greatest impacts: urbanization and coastal alteration, sedimentation, recreational overuse (example, boating), pollution, alien species and overfishing.

Fishing regulations deal with only the last factor. The other five are worse.

Posted online by Makule


Procurement failures must end

Kona road projects are obstructed by a lack of political will to accomplish much in Hilo or on Oahu (“$200 Million of Your Money Wasted,” February). A county-level audit revealed many discrepancies in bidding processes and no rhyme or reason in how projects are scheduled.

Regulatory changes to prevent corrupt and/or incompetent practices would be most welcome. As long as cronies and relatives fill department positions, there is little hope of change.

Posted online by konalady


Ranchers benefit the environment

After reading the Green Hawaii section (May), I’m concerned our Islanders and visitors won’t realize that beef is a great choice for a healthy diet, environment and Hawaiian economy.

As a locally born and raised veterinarian, I see firsthand how cattle ranchers protect the land. Hawaii’s cattle industry manages about 1 million acres — about 25 percent of our state’s land. By responsibly grazing cattle and stewarding the lands, these ranchers help control the fire hazard, aid in carbon sequestration and preserve open spaces critical to our aquifer recharge.

Cattle also convert the forages humans cannot consume into a nutrient-dense food. This doesn’t take as many resources as sometimes people are mislead to think; a University of California-Davis study says one pound of U.S. beef requires about 1/25th the water reported in “Green Hawaii.”

Herbert M. “Tim” Richards III


Not enough businesspeople

Wow, a few businesspeople mixed in with union/Democrat anti-business people (“20 for the Next 20,” March). Surprising from a “business” magazine. Maybe they should be watched for the threat they represent to businesses in Hawaii.

Posted by csapdt


Flawed tax system

People who are “on the books” are those that should be angriest (“Hawaii’s Underground Economy,” June). The Hawaii Constitution prevents us from having a say in our tax system; it is “taxation without representation.” Some examples:

• A parent who pays twice for a child’s education;

• A contractor who is told by the state ombudsman it will take two to seven years to resolve a complaint against an unlicensed contractor working “with friends”;

• A landscape contractor who watches the state waste $290,000 on dead plants at Makapuu Lighthouse.

These people have legitimate concerns, and it’s appalling to see our Legislature ignore these concerns and increase taxes and user fees.

Kevin and Susan Mulkern
Categories: Opinion