My Job Is Bringing Joy Through Old-Style Hawaiian Music
High schooler Kamaha‘o Haumea-Thronas loves singing mele Hawai‘i and keeping Hawaiian music alive.

Name: Kamaha‘o Haumea-Thronas
Job: Singer and Musician
Age: 15
Kamaha‘o Haumea-Thronas is a Hawaiian music prodigy who has already performed across the Islands. This summer marked his second year completing six weeks of shows at Keoki’s Paradise, a restaurant on his home island of Kaua‘i. Some of the teenager’s favorite numbers are the Hawaiian hula classics “Pāpālina Lahilahi” and “I Ali‘i Nō ‘Oe,” and his frequent hana hou song, “‘Ālika.”
“I always play a lot of the same songs that I first learned – to honor whoever I learned them from, whether it be my kumu hula, or my teachers from school, or even just listening to old records of Aunty Genoa Keawe or even newer albums by Nā Palapalai, who I got to play with.”
Maintaining a Legacy: “I think Hawaiian music is super important because not a lot of our people do it anymore. A lot of musicians like to take to other genres that are more popular or might make them more money. But I feel that it’s super, super important that we continue Hawaiian music because that’s what our kūpuna did.
“They put so much work into writing and singing the songs so that they could continue to our generation. … I think everybody should just learn one or two songs that can help continue Hawaiian music.”
School: The sophomore at Kamehameha Schools Kapālama on O‘ahu balances his academic pursuits with membership in the school’s Concert Glee Club and Hawaiian Ensemble. His weekdays during the school year are focused on studies, but he regularly performs on weekends.
“Everything really goes hand in hand – I think it all blends together really, really nicely.”
Respect: “I don’t think there’s really been any problem with my age because I’ve been singing mele Hawai‘i for so long. I’ve gotten a lot of respect from singers and performers who have been doing this in the industry for so many years.”
Social Media: A viral 11-second TikTok video shows him singing about a plate of Zippy’s spaghetti to the tune of “Henehene Kou ‘Aka.” In thanks, Zippy’s delivered a cake with his face on his 15th birthday in May.
“Walking around all the time, I’ll hear, ‘Oh my gosh, it’s the Zippy’s kid.’ And that just brings so much laughter and happiness, to see that just something so small can make such a big impact.”
‘Ohana Support: Haumea-Thronas says he could not have achieved his success without the wholehearted support of his family, which includes everything from purchasing equipment to driving him to gigs and gathering last-minute lei.
“It’s just super, super awesome that they support me in what I do. And they put up with all the craziness in the music industry.”
Future: “I hope to continue Hawaiian music, continue partnering with companies like Zippy’s, and all of those awesome people and different musicians. I hope to get my music out really soon and share music, really share why mele Hawai‘i is so important – sharing it on any platform I can.”