Hawaii Business Magazine - April 2019

The Enterprising Story of Hawaii’s Blind Vendors

The first shop opened in 1938 and today dozens are owned and operated by entrepreneurs with grit, ingenuity and vision. If you’ve passed through a federal state or county office building or a state airport, you’ve probably seen Hawaii’s enterprising…

The 14th Hawaii Book & Music Festival

The 14th Hawaii Book & Music Festival Presented by Bank of Hawaii will return to the Civic Grounds by Honolulu Hale in Historic Downtown Honolulu, the weekend of May 4-5, 2019.

My Job: Car Trouble - Who You Going to Call?

Name: Lincoln Smith Age: 34 Job: Tow Truck Operator and Owner, Areo Towing & Recovery The Kaimuki High School graduate got the idea to start his own towing company in 2012 when he was working as a security guard at…

Nonprofit Lets Kids Be Kids

All four of Stacy Sur’s daughter’s have attended The Early School. “They absolutely love it. The school focuses on building socialization skills, the ability to explore and think, and it lets the kids be kids,” says the Waialae-Kahala resident. Sur…

The Careerist: A Place at the Table

How to make a good impression - and be more effective - once you’ve earned a role on the management committee. Q: I’ve been promoted to manager at work and get to sit on the management committee. I’m hoping to…

Talk Story: Charles Kaneshiro, President & COO, G70

Kaneshiro, who traces his passion for nature to his days as a Boy Scout on Kauai, talks about the challenges that climate change brings to Hawaii, such as the future of our infrastructure, resiliency planning and the need for more…

Sherbert Shop a Must Stop

Asato Family Store creative director and co-owner Neale Asato mixes ingredients for li hing sour belts. He began the family business in 2017 and now operates a snack shop at 1306 Pali Highway near the Pali Longs store. The shop…

5 Steps to Negotiate Your Next Raise

Emy Yamauchi-Wong of Altres Staffing offers five steps to help you build your case for the raise you deserve. 1. Know Your Worth: Find a well-sourced number for what your compensation should be, based on job title, duties and experience.…

Health in Hawaii: Good News, But Not for Everyone

Overall, the Islands are often ranked as the healthiest state in America. But diabetes, excessive drinking, vaping and other problems are on the rise and health outcomes are worse than average for some local groups, including Native Hawaiians, other Pacific…

Editor's Note: Fight Back Against Genes and Zip Codes

Beverly Creamer’s Report on Health and Wellness covers a lot of important issues. In this column, I focus on one person and one issue: You and your personal health. Your health depends on a lot of factors, many of which you…

Work Life Integration and Resilience Promote Fulfillment

Highly fulfilled employees are more engaged, stay longer and produce more, author Bill Schiemann recently told a group of Hawaii human resource management executives. Enhancing work-life integration significantly contributes toward a sense of fulfillment, he says. Schiemann, following his ten-year…

Education & Career Advancement Guide

Education. Advancement. Success. Learn how these institutions can expand your education and help develop new skills. This special section provides information about advanced degrees, special certifications, and mentorship programs to provide you with the opportunity to advance your career.  …

Koa Capital Feeds Growth in Hawaii Companies

How a Hawaii-based private investment firm helps local businesses flourish. Acacia Koa, Hawaii’s koa trees, is endemic to the islands and has been valued for its versatility and strength. A namesake private investment firm, Koa Capital Partners, likewise is focused…

How Innovation Can Work For You [Sponsored]

Learn to create a culture of agile innovation, greater engagement, and rich collaboration throughout your organization at this exclusive workshop on April 27. Agile innovation addresses the three critical drivers of organizational success: accelerating the innovation process, reducing the risks…

A Site for Sore Eyes [Sponsored]

Atlas Insurance Agency launches a new website to help navigate today’s complex insurance marketplace. Whether you’re shopping for business or personal insurance, it can be a frustrating and confusing experience. Fortunately, Atlas Insurance Agency’s new website prioritizes helping visitors pinpoint…