iDepo Hawai‘i’s Road to Success

iDepo provides quality court reporting and litigation support. The company has grown over the years to include court reporters, legal videographers, interpreters, and technologists with offices in Hawai‘i, California, and Washington.
Idepo Staff Hero
Photo: courtesy of Idepo Hawaiʻi

Raised by first generation Japanese parents, iDepo Hawai‘i’s founder Irene Nakamura grew up in a traditional culture that wanted her to focus on marriage and children — and not a career.

Choosing to break the traditional mold, Irene studied court reporting and became the first Japanese American stenographic Official Court Reporter in the federal court system in California, Central District.

With much ambition and a desire to create a supportive work environment, Irene founded iDepo Hawai‘i in 2017 to serve all Islands.

“I want to have a company that would empower my team, uplift and help them reach their own goals, and always try to improve upon themselves,” Irene says.

iDepo provides quality court reporting and litigation support. The company has grown over the years to include court reporters, legal videographers, interpreters, and technologists with offices in Hawai‘i, California, and Washington.


“It makes me happy knowing we’re contributing to the legal system,” says Irene. “Having an accurate account of the story can make or break a case. We treat each case as if it were our only one.”

The role of iDepo’s stenographers is to capture stories verbatim that make history in order to change the future.

Customizable services are available including written depositions, process servers, document preparation, and trial presentation. Moderators are provided for remote proceedings to troubleshoot technical problems and manage exhibits for lawyers so they can focus on lawyering. In a TikTok age, iDepo understands the need to create trial presentations utilizing animation, video, exhibits, etc., to aid counsel in presenting their clients’ stories to the jury Hollywood style.

“We are on the forefront of technology on the island,” says Irene. “We provide a lot of technical assistance and technical platforms to make our clients’ lives easier.”

No two clients, cases, or circumstances are the same, but iDepo’s client experience is always elevated over and above basic expectations in every interaction and cultivates a deeper relationship with people.

“We put the personal in professional, meaning we care about you and it’s with aloha,” says Irene.


Idepo Hi Logo 0119221164 Bishop Street, Suite 1111
Honolulu, HI 96813
(808) 664-6677



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