Hawaii Business Magazine’s Most Popular Stories of 2022
Here’s what people are reading on our website and social media.

We choose in-depth stories to report based on how important we think the topics are to our readers – not on how many clicks or likes they will get. But it is gratifying when these important stories get a lot of readers.
Staff Writer and Engagement Editor Noelle Fujii-Oride spent three months researching and writing her 26-page report on Honolulu rail published in the November 2021 issue. Not surprisingly, it has had more page views by far than anything else we have published over the past 12 months.
Here are the top 20 stories that were posted to hawaiibusiness.com between Nov. 1, 2021, and Oct. 31, 2022, ranked by page views. Several stories were first released in Hawai‘i Real Estate News, a free weekly email newsletter that we launched in January 2022. (Subscribe at tinyurl.com/HRENsignup.)
1. How Rail Got to $12.45 Billion and 11 Years Late
2. Hawai‘i’s Best Places to Work 2022
3. Affordable Walk-up Apartments Are Coming Back, Thanks to Honolulu’s Bill 7
4. Only in Hawai‘i: You Own the Home But Not the Land
5. The Downtown Honolulu Parking Guide is Back
6. How Will Urban Honolulu Deal With the Rising Ocean?
7. Latest Vacation Rental Battle Is Over – Stand By for Any Impact
8. Hawai‘i’s Top 250 Companies
9. Local Designer Features Modern Alohawear for Young Generations
10. One in Seven Hawai‘i Homes Is Vacant, Report Says
11. Here’s How Affordable Housing Policies Have Impacted Hawai‘i’s Housing Supply
12. 5 Steps to a Successful Job Interview
13. Soaring Assessments Mean Higher Property Taxes Starting in August
14. Hawai‘i’s Most Charitable Companies 2021
15. Hawai‘i Pacific Health’s Ray Vara is 2021 CEO of the Year
16. Hawai‘i’s Building Permit Delays Top the Nation, Study Shows
17. What’s Next for Hawaiian Airlines: Restoring Flights and Adding New Ones
18. Here’s Which Ethnic Groups Make the Most Money in Hawai‘i
19. Low Inventory May Push Local Real Estate Prices Even Higher
20. Passing the Torch at the Weinberg Foundation
Social Media
Our top posts this year on social media platforms were mostly about honorees selected for our 20 for the Next 20 program that profiles emerging leaders in Hawai‘i.
Facebook: 20 for the Next 20 profile of Kevin Matsunaga, a teacher at Chiefess Kamakahelei Middle School on Kaua‘i: 7,144 impressions.
Twitter: 20 for the Next 20 profile of Kealoha Fox, whose many roles include social health integration at AlohaCare: 8,994 impressions.
LinkedIn: 20 for the Next 20 profile of Greg Young, president and CEO of HawaiiUSA Federal Credit Union: 13,061 impressions.
Instagram: Item posted on August 24 announcing the Wahine Forum on Oct. 26-27 and listing some of the guest speakers: reach of 5,645.