Free Training for Military Spouses

Spouses of active-duty military men and women are eligible for up to $6,000 in workforce training — but don’t hesitate to apply, as the money may not last long.
In 2009, the Defense Department started the Military Spouse Career Advancement Accounts program to pay for tuition so often-moving military spouses could train in one of nine portable careers, including financial services, information technology and healthcare.
Nationally, the Defense Department ended the popular program in February, but Hawaii is one of eight states still offering it. The local program will run until the money runs out or until Sept. 30, 2011.
Sean Fox, managing partner at New Horizons Computer Learning Centers, says the program can train novices in a new career or experienced workers who want high-level certifications. New Horizons has more than a dozen students from the DOD program, taking classes in everything from the office basics of Microsoft Word and Excel to advanced IT classes like A+ Essentials and Network+ Certification.
The program provides flexibility. Students can do all classes online or in traditional classrooms, while companies can save on training costs if they already employ military spouses.
Bureaucracy doesn’t burden the program, either. New Horizons’ Kyle Maschhoff says qualified students can talk to the company’s staff about class availability, then be approved and taking the class within one week.
To Apply
Call Elaine Young
at state Labor Dept., 586-8812