Editor’s Note: Connect with Hawaii Business on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn

Hawaii Business magazine’s mission is to cover big issues affecting our Islands’ economy and businesses
in a way that is useful and accessible to readers. Although our main vehicle is a print magazine, we understand the importance of reaching and interacting with readers in the digital world.
Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’ve heard of social media giants Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. We don’t see them as replacements to our print products but as additional channels. Some media companies use an automated program to populate their social media feeds, but not us. There is a live person sending on this end and, if you contact us through social media, there will be a live person responding. We encourage your feedback to our stories on any of these social media, where the comments will be posted; some end up on the Feedback page in this magazine.
We approach each format differently. On Facebook (facebook.com/hawaiibusiness), it’s easy for readers to leave a message and to interact with us and other readers. We also post pictures from our events. On Twitter (@hawaiibusiness), we post our content and share helpful business-related tweets we find from people we follow. If you can’t make it to one of our events, follow our Twitter feed. Our attendees usually tweet live from the event, creating a multivoice record of the discussion, and we retweet the best comments. For LinkedIn (linkd.in/hawaiibusiness), we like to keep it open for anyone to post a discussion. Recently, a new member had questions about entering the Hawaii coffee industry and we were able to direct him to a few resources.
With the print publication, we work as much as three months ahead of publication to research, report and write stories with the in-depth analysis you want. But our blog atblogs.hawaiibusiness.com lets us write about upcoming events and analyze breaking news.
We also open it up to contributors, including well-known local financial analyst Randy Havre. Havre covers stocks of Hawaii companies and how the market can affect us here.
As technology moves forward, we’ll keep up and reach readers wherever they may be. If you have any suggestions or feedback, please let us know, via one of our myriad channels.
P.S. Please welcome Stacy Yuen Hernandez to our writing staff. She has written and edited for many local publications, including six years with the Custom Publishing Group at The Honolulu Advertiser. She is also a licensed attorney.