Talk Story

Talk Story with Barry Taniguchi

HB: What makes a good leader? I think you lead people but you manage affairs and situations. To be a good leader, you have to be a good people person. You need to understand others and have empathy. You need…

Talk Story with Robert Harrison

In November 2009, Robert Harrison was promoted from chief risk officer to president and COO of First Hawaiian Bank, the same positions, it’s worth noting, held by former CEOs John Bellinger and Walter Dods, and current CEO Don Horner. Harrison…

Talk Story with Jay Rasulo

As chairman of Walt Disney Parks and Resorts, Jay Rasulo oversees myriad facets of the Disney empire, including its world-renowned theme parks, resorts, timeshares and cruise lines. In an exclusive interview with Hawaii Business, he talks about Hawaii, the differences…

Talk Story with Donne Dawson

As the state film commissioner, Donne Dawson runs the Hawaii Film Office, an agency responsible for simplifying the permit process for film and TV productions in the Islands. She acts as a liaison between production companies and agencies like the…

Talk Story with Kyle Chock

Chock has a heavy heart thinking about the 3,000 members of the union who are unemployed. “Flat is the new growth,” he laments. While several big projects will create more jobs, it won’t be enough to sustain the third largest…

Talk Story with Frances T. Gendrano

As Hawaii approaches August’s 50th anniversary of statehood, we have asked local leaders to reflect on the next 50 years for Hawaii. This month: real estate executive Fran Gendrano. Q: What will Hawaii look like 50 years from today? A:…