Author: Powell Berger

The Vulture Swoops In

Our department is great about sharing food with each other. What we hate are colleagues from other departments grabbing our food before everyone on our team has had a bite. Q: I read your advice about the food pushers, those…

How to Beat the Troll In the Nearby Cubicle

Q: I’m coming up on my first annual review in my new job and I’m really nervous. I’ve got a good relationship with my boss and our clients, and delivered on the projects I worked on. But there’s one guy…

“Networking’s for Suckers, Not Me”

Q: I swear I hear the word “networking” a hundred times a week. My co-workers insist it’s the only way to climb the business ladder. My parents tell me it’s how to meet friends. My boss tells me it’s a…

Time Warp: My Boss is Half My Age

Q: I’ve been in banking for over 30 years and worked with all sorts of people, all kinds of bosses. But I think I’ve met my match with my current boss. He doesn’t seem to think it matters that he…

The Careerist: Help! Food Pushers Are Stalking Me!

Q: I’m a vegetarian in an office that worships food. Daily spreads of manapua, brownies (not the kind from college), casseroles with ingredients I don’t recognize, and slow cookers of kalua pork (with a rice cooker on the side) fill…

The Careerist: Policies Evolving on Kids at Work

Expert careerist, Powell Berger, gives her input answering  questions about kids at work, fancy fundraisers and unlimited vacation. Q: There’s a single dad who occasionally brings his two kids to our office. I feel for him, but I don’t think…

Can The Boss Vet My Facebook?

Q: My boss and I have very different views, and I’ve discovered he’s monitoring my Facebook posts and tweets. He came to my cubicle yesterday and said, “You’d better watch that stuff you post online.” These are my personal views and my…

Did You Know?: Shearwater Protection Extends Out to Sea

YOU PROBABLY KNOW THAT Newell’s shearwaters, the birds native to Hawaii that are also known as Hawaiian shearwaters, are a protected species. But did you know their protection extends beyond the shore, including enforcement on Norwegian Cruise Line’s Pride of…

Still Cruise’n

10 years after Norwegian Cruise Lines went all-American with its around-the-Islands cruises, the Pride of America still sails every week, each time at…

Did You Know: Size Matters

The Hawaii Community Development Authority, the agency that oversees development in Kakaako and a few other places on Oahu, runs its shop with a mountain of rules and regulations, as you might expect. Whether you agree with HCDA’s rules or…

Did You Know: Ahead of Its Time

It’s true,” says David Striph, senior VP for the Howard Hughes Corp. and the man occupying a corner office with two walls of windows framed by the iconic concrete arches of Honolulu’s IBM Building. “I sit here every day and…

Kakaako’s Affordable Housing Rarely Is

After all the hullabaloo, the hearings, legislation, planning, permits and protests, the concept of an urban, gentrified Kakaako is now an urban reality in progress. Cranes fill the skyline from one end of Kakaako to the other, with at least…

Kahala Renaissance

If your realtor suggest you buy on a street now vibrating with jack hammers, buzz saws, chain saws and tree grinders – including the requisite oversize, loud-mouth backhoes and flatbeds, blackdust barricades and…

How Does Hawaii’s 529 Plan Rate?

HI529, Hawaii’s College Savings Program, now boasts assets of $67 million and some 4,260 participants – an average of about $16,000 per investor set aside for a keiki’s education. National analysts give Hawaii’s program good marks on the investment returns…

Actors Make Good Medicine

Did you know that some of Hawaii’s best acting goes on at UH’s schools of medicine and nursing? At UH-Manoa’s School of Nursing and Dental Hygiene, a creative partnership with the Theatre Department has aspiring actors practicing their improvisational skills…

Kakaako: Remade for the 21st Century

No matter which lens you use, Kakaako is where the transformations in Hawaii’s 21st-century life are most clear. The demographic lens: You already know there are more older people today, while young people are delaying both marriage and their families,…

Divorce Is Big Business

Divorce is big business – maybe even bigger than the wedding business in America. That’s because contested divorces involve more than just lawyers. There are also accountants, parenting consultants and other niche specialists to be paid, plus the money spent…

SBA Award Winners 2014

Each year, the Hawaiʻi region of the federal Small Business Administration gives out awards that celebrate some of the state’s best small businesses and small-business advocates. Hawaii Business is proud to profile the 2014 winners.