My Job: The Tree Advocate
Desiree Page's dad was one of the first hundred people in Illinois to become a certified arborist. Now she works as a System Arborist for Hawaiian Electric Co.
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Desiree Page's dad was one of the first hundred people in Illinois to become a certified arborist. Now she works as a System Arborist for Hawaiian Electric Co.
It seems everyone wants more locally grown food. Here are those making it happen: their successes, challenges and ideas about how to make Hawai‘i more self-sufficient in food. Alternately fought over and forgotten, land in Lualualei Valley has long served…
Google and other high-flying companies have reinvented the corporate cafeteria. The local cafeterias we visited are not that lavish, but they still cost plenty of money. It's all worth it, the companies say, because their investments pay back in many…
Danny Meyer, one of New York’s most respected restaurateurs, plans to eliminate tipping and raise menu prices by a commensurate amount in his 13 restaurants. This news, along with Hawaii’s gradually increasing minimum wage, which is now $8.50 an hour…
It’s as if the noodles from Sun Noodle have a life of their own. In 1982, the first batch emerged from a Kalihi warehouse. Three decades later, Sun Noodle makes enough noodles each week to circle the world at the…
The National Kidney Foundation says about 90,000 people in the U.S. need a kidney, and 12 people die every day while waiting for one.
A “visionary who sees beyond the numbers,” this senior VP and director of corporate banking helped launch a community development entity.