Hawaiʻi’s People to Watch 2020

Hawaii Business Magazine honors 20 people each year who we believe will have an important and positive impact on Hawai‘i over the next two decades.

They have already proven themselves by their accomplishments, intelligence, charisma, leadership and passion, but we expect even more from them in the future. Scroll down to learn about the 2020 cohort.

New profiles everyday: Honorees’ profiles will be featured twice daily in Today’s Hawaii News leading up to March! Sign up for the newsletter or check this page daily as new profiles are published.

Nominate an Emerging Leader: Know someone who belongs on next year’s list of the 20 for the Next 20? Nominate them for the Class of 2021 at hawaiibusiness.com/nominations.


Behind the Scenes: 20 for the Next 20 Photo Shoots


View the Profiles:


Emi Au

Lisa Ayabe

Matt Bauer

Laurie Ann Chan


Rebecca Dayhuff Matsushima

Kay Fukunaga

Aimee Malia Grace

Brittany Heyd


John Huliheʻe

Michelle Kauhane

Evan Killips

Ka‘iu Kimura


Lina Le

Mark Kawika McKeague

Melissa Miyashiro

Cayenne Pe‘a


Nathan Peters

Mike Pietsch

Dana Takushi

Julie Yamamoto









Categories: 20 for the Next 20, Lists & Awards