Hoʻohaʻaheo: Public School Proud [Sponsored]

How to Get Involved
Donate supplies: Many Hawai‘i teachers have posted classroom and proj- ect needs to DonorsChoose.org and TeacherLists.com.
Donate money: The Hawai‘i Community Foundation is a partner with the HIDOE and provides scholarships to students and grants for nonprofits supporting school communities and families.
Business engagement opportunities: The HIDOE is your talent pool! Open your doors to students and teachers who want to learn more about your operations and sought-after skill sets.
- Contact the Community Engagement Office at 808-305-0699.
- You can also contact school principals directly, or their Complex Area Superintendents for regional collaborations.
- Join a career advisory council: The HIDOE’s Career Readiness Section (808-305-9705) can assist businesses and individuals interested in joining advisory councils at schools, as well as councils for each Career and Technical Education pathway, where members advise on standards and curriculum. Contact Troy Sueoka at troy.sueoka@k12.hi.us.
- You can learn more about what programs and project opportunities exist at schools by reviewing their school designs.
Join a School Community Council: This collaborative decision-making body comprised of teachers, parents, students and interested community members helps craft a school’s Academic and Financial plans, school designs and more. Similarly, you can join the governing board of a Charter School. Both mechanisms are also excellent doorways to mentoring opportunities.